Pytchley CE Primary School

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Headteacher's Welcome

Thank you for taking the time to show an interest in Pytchley Church of England Primary School.  As an Academy within the Peterborough Diocese Education Trust, we are a school that is continually striving to move forward by having the vision that, ‘With God, all things are possible.’  Matthew 19:26

We are a loving, inclusive family, committed to quality in all areas of school life. Guided by our Christian Faith we support our pupils and school community to expand their horizons with aspiration. We want our pupils to image a positive future for themselves, trusting that they can achieve their dreams in life.

We will ensure that strong moral values run through the whole school and all of the children are given every opportunity to achieve their potential and feel proud of themselves in a caring Christian environment. By reflecting the school values along with excellent teaching and exciting and enriching learning experiences and environment the children will develop skills and discover talents.

The staff and I are very proud of the school and are keen that you feel the same way also. Our helpful and friendly staff actively encourages parents to get involved and share their views in a supportive and sharing partnership. By school, parents, the Church and the wider community working in partnership together our children will leave school as inquisitive learners with happy positive memories ready for the journey ahead.

From the first moment that I stepped foot into Pytchley in 2024, I realised that it was a warm, exciting and happy school. I hope the information within this website provides you with some additional details about the school that you will find helpful. I warmly welcome the opportunity to show visitors around our school and should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Ashley Scott


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Peterborough Diocese Education Trust

PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.

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