Pytchley CE Primary School

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Our children have the opportunity to take part in a range of school planned and trust-wide enrichment events throughout the year, including: 

Curriculum Enhancement 

Throughout the year, staff plan to include trips and visitors to enhance the curriculum.  Planned in advance, these experiences allow children to take part in learning outside of the normal classroom experience.  Experiences can include:

- Visits to places of worship (Church, Mosque, Temple etc) 

- Visitors of faith (Other than Christianity) to enhance RE learning

- Hands on first aid (CPR)workshops

- Musical experiences including theatre visits and pupil performance

- Termly sporting experience days (Breakdance, skateboarding, skipping)

- Visits to historical/geographical places of interest

Music Performance 

Children are offered the opportunity to learn to play an instrument in Y3/4 as part of the music curriculum.  Individual 1:1 lessons are offered for children to learn to play an instrument including; keyboard, guitar and drums.  Children having lessons then perform to parents/carers and peers in whole school, termly concert. 

Residential Experience 

Children in year 6 are offered the opportunity to attend a residential (3 nights) at the Rock UK 'Frontier Centre.'  Children take part in a range of experiences that include; climbing, abseiling, canoeing, mountain biking and problem solving activities.  

PDET Year 4 Just Sing!

An opportunity for our year 4 children to join together with children at other schools within our Trust to sing a range of songs in a theatre performance. An amazing onstage experience!  Children perform at the Royal & Derngate Theatre, Northampton. 

PDET Going for Gold Sports Day

A team of 15 children, from Y2, Y3, Y4 represent our school in our Trust's annual inter-school Olympics! A fun day of sports competition and physical challenges for the children.  

PDET - Maths Rocks!

A fun and hands on maths experience for our year 5 children that takes place annually at the Rock UK 'Frontier Centre.'  Children take part in mathematical problem solving activities. 

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Peterborough Diocese Education Trust

PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.

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